No, Exxon was wrong on warming and didn’t know anything

More fake news from the climate-industrial complex.

You can read the NYTimes coverage here. The Science article is here and the supplementary material is here. Below is what you need to know.

No Evidence that Exxon ‘Knew’ Anything

A new Harvard study claims that its analysis of ExxonMobil internal analyses of emissions and global warming done between 1977 and 2003 shows that ExxonMobil scientists correctly predicted emissions-driven global warming was occurring at a rate of about 0.2°C per decade and that this shows that “Exxon knew” emissions-driven global warming was real and a threat.

Assuming for the sake of argument that the Harvard claim is true:

  • Current models produce about twice as much emissions-driven warming as ExxonMobil allegedly did (0.44°C vs. 0.2°C/decade).
  • Current NASA satellite data shows global warming (regardless of cause) is only at about 0.13°C, only about half of what ExxonMobil supposedly predicted for emissions alone.
  • Like the ExxonMobil forecast, all climate models have significantly overpredicted warming.
  • There has been no global warming (regardless of cause) for the past 8+ years, despite 14% of total manmade emissions.
  • If you remove from the warming trend of the last 30 years the non-CO2 related temperature drivers (1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption and the El Ninos occurring from 1998 to present), there has been no discernible emissions-driven warming since climate hysteria began, despite 50% of total manmade emissions.

It’s hard to make the claim that “Exxon knew” when there is no evidence that ExxonMobil knew or knows anything correct about temperature trends or their causes.

2 thoughts on “No, Exxon was wrong on warming and didn’t know anything”

  1. SO WHAT??????
    This business has become total insanity by every definition of the word…………………
    The reductio[s] ad absurdum for this must include the 20/20 hindsight conclusion that combustion for any purpose at all should have been prohibited for at least the last 100 years..
    Of course this, if ‘successfully’ implemented, would have guaranteed the extinction of humanity [except that portion living within +/- 15 Deg. from the equator who could survive on raw food alone]
    The ethanol ‘Prohibition’ SNAFU would have been negligible in comparison with such utter mindlessness.
    Is this ‘Shooting the messenger’ or ‘Blaming the victim’ or just the ‘little tin gods’ stratum of society trying to ‘Gaslight’ the general population??????
    My concern is that, although I won’t live to see logic and reason restored to society, my grandchildren may not !!

  2. the Long March through institutions and corporate America peaked a decade or three ago. Boards of Directors are massively infiltrated with college morons steeped in lefty/green propaganda. At the very least they posture for the loudmouths that show up to annual meetings holding one or two shares of stock and demanding economic suicide for idiotic ideas like CAGW, and Climate Catastrophe along with the ambulance chasing lawyers out for a lawsuit lottery winner. It does not matter that NOT ONE of their end-of-the-world predictions has happened. Why be bothered with facts when wearing sackcloth and ashes and screaming DOOM!, DEATH!, DESTRUCTION! is so much more dramatic than real life.

    I wish there was some sort of cluebat we could run around wacking pols and Board members with but as long as we continue to elect vicious idiots like Governor Fudd of Minnesota, etc., we will never pull out of Idiocracy 2.0.

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