3 thoughts on “Milloy cited in the Sunday Times as ‘most notable’ climate contrarian tweeter”

    Sorry about goof……I should have written
    All life on earth…. not all organic life………

  2. Taking into account Moore’s law, All organic life on Earth could well be based on Si, not C, in maybe a Century or so…
    When your phone & car know more than you about the world; beware……………
    As soon as automatic machines become capable of self-replication, organic life will be redundant & CO2, PM2.5 etc. will be irrelevant….
    Keep up the great work in promoting sanity, [if not scientific understanding], in the population & hopefully in a majority of the politicians, Steve………..

  3. As Dr. William Happer said, zero carbon is a suicide pact.

    All life on earth will cease to exist without it.

    I like his “red barn” analogy.

    Please also continue to bury the PM2.5 boogey man.

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