I expose the fraud

Usually E&E News “reporter” Scott Waldman calls me when he wants a quote for one of his dopey climate propaganda pieces like the one below.

But earlier this week, Scott emailed me for a quote. But his email went into my Junk folder.

So I didn’t see his email until I checked my Junk box after reading this part of the article:

So had I seen Scott’s question, I would have answered:

I expose the fraud. The truth does the rest.

4 thoughts on “I expose the fraud”

  1. Why don’t you write to this Scott Waldman Guy & let him know the facts, Steve………
    At least he should be aware of them even if he’s blind to most of them…………………ROFL

  2. I read the article, and see statements like: “Among the changes potentially driven by Musk’s effort to tear down barriers that once prohibited figures like former President Donald Trump from spreading election lies are a rise in the popularity of tweets that claim climate change is a scam. Some recent posts have earned 40,000 likes.”

    The author seems confused. The original purpose of Twitter was not to provide a forum for “woke folk” to air their grievances and to deny a hearing to anyone who disagrees with them. That came later.

    Mr Musk appears to be trying to roll back the clock and provide a forum for a free interchange of ideas and views.

    The problem he will face is trying to prevent Twitter being used as a forum for genuinely “anti-social” behavior: incitements to riot, advocacy in favour of paedophilia, and similar.

    Once he endorses censorship of _any_ use of the platform, it is a short, steep trip to the environment we have seen in which Twitter’s censors limit or prevent the publication of _any_ views with which they disagree. Views on topics like climate change, COVID, American foreign policy, or the relationship between US government agencies and Twitter itself.

    Smarter me than me have recognised the problem, and smarter men than me have not been able to find a solution to it.

    As to the author, the response I would give him is “Twitter now supports free speech, and you have no right to complain that some of the sentiments and opinions expressed are at variance with your own.”

  3. NET ZERO is total nonsense, as it is based on an untruth. Its fundamental assumption is that more CO2 causes more global warming. Straightforward physics disproves that.
    CO2 can only effectively absorb the earth’s radiation in the 14-16 micron range of wavelengths. NASA satellite data shows that 100% of the radiation in this range is already being absorbed. More CO2 obviously can not in crease absorption to over 100%. Therefore, more CO2 can not cause climate warming.
    For details see “Carbon Dioxide-Not Guilty” on Amazon

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