2 thoughts on “Must watch: Net Zero, ESG and COVID vaccines meet Braveheart”

  1. it’s not “corporations”, but those running them who use them as cash cows and power projectors. Combined in a quango with today’s politicians and their massive propaganda machine in the LSM we have a new royalty of perfumed and degenerate lords and ladies. They are an autocracy and their liege line is their bank account size.

    This whole thing is redolent of the feudal system in England and Europe in general. We are mere serfs to be used by royalty like slaves. The aim of these oligarchs and ‘monarchs’ is to push the general population into a state of near poverty and blame it on phony boogeymen. In addition, the WEF and others want about half the population killed off as soon as possible. More for them.

    This is how the Roman Empire ended. Badly.

  2. Well said by Mr. Wallace! I would add that the tactic being used by the fascists in their attempts at enslaving us is to employ a variety of fallacies in making false and deceptive claims to us. For example, the Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness is used by them in claiming to us that we must abandon the combustion of fossil fuels in the production of electric power as to do otherwise would pose an “existential threat” to mankind though this claim is based upon an application of the Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness under which an “abstract” event is mistaken for a “concrete” event by the argument made by a modern climate model where an “abstract” event is one that lacks a spatiotemporal location and a “concrete” event has such a location. The effect from this application of the above referenced fallacy by the fascists is for the illusion to be created that the runs of a modern climate model convey non-nil information gain about the outcomes of the events of the future for Earth’s climate system to a regulatory official though in reality these runs convey nil information gain to this official. Regulation of Earth’s climate system by this official seems to be possible though in reality regulation is impossible.

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