2 thoughts on “Milloy talks heat wave and climate communism with Dr. Gina”

  1. all their hand wringing and demands for drastic actions that will have little if any affect on global climate are ALL based on flawed computer models that have NEVER been right in their predictions.

    Yet the green mob genuflect at the mere mention of “computers” because in their sub par minds a computer can never be wrong, ignoring the glaring fallacy that the computer only does what someone tells it to. Any programmer can program the computer with a preconceived goal, much like all these idiot climate models.
    “Computer models are no different from fashion models. They’re seductive, unreliable, easily corrupted, and they lead sensible people to make fools of themselves” John in OK

  2. The Climate Communists are incapable of making an argument that is logically sound yet are capable of making an argument that is logically unsound yet dressed up to seem to the targeted audience of lefties to be sound. This argument is dressed up to look like it is sound by an application of the Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness under which an “abstract’ event is treated as if it were a “concrete” event in making this argument

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