JunkScience shames UN into removing an attack on capitalism from its web site

This morning I came across this article on the United Nations web site.

Here’s the article.

Here’s my tweet from this morning about it.

Here’s how the UN (surprisingly) responded.

And for once, the UN did not lie.

I responded with this closing thought.

The UN still has a long way to go to correct the underlying tragedy.

3 thoughts on “JunkScience shames UN into removing an attack on capitalism from its web site”

  1. Great going, Steve, You’re really grabbing attention….
    Here in NZL we have just been told [HAPINZ 3.0] that NO2 from car exhausts kills 2000 of us annually…
    The author was on TV pleading with people “If you must use a car be sure it is well maintained”
    We have 5M people & 4.4M cars, practically all of which have O2 sensors & Catalytic converters [Which keep ‘Lambda’ constantly at or slightly below 1.0*] + CHECK ENGINE lights.
    Even Pop stars are now starting to see through the BS…….
    Eric Clapton: ‘Mattias Desmet’s Theory of mass formation hypnosis is great. . . . Once I kind of started to look for it, I saw it everywhere.’
    *Lowering [NOx] while increasing [COx] from the tailpipe!

  2. Consider what kind of people gets themselves appointed to the various UN power positions. AGW has given them huge leverage in international affairs and gobs of money. The type is a lot like Gollum, they are there for the power and money and will not let go.

    The entire IPCC is a farce. The first assessment that created the AGW nonsense did so over the actual science in the studies. Many study authors withdrew from the report and IPCC over that scamtastic assessment.

  3. My experience with the UN’s policy of opposition to carbon dioxide emissions began 15 years ago when I discovered that runs of the UN IPCC’s climate models conveyed no information to a would be regulator of Earth’s climate system precluding regulation of this system by this regulator. By letter to the IPCC’s chair I advised him of this fact. His response was to ignore me in favor of propagating the UN’s message of impending doom. Recently I served as a referee for the recently published manuscript for IPCC’s most recent climate assessment report. This document’s authors ignored me when I told them of the worthlessness of the IPCC’s climate models. Letters to the IPCC’s current chairman and the UN’s chief statistician were not returned. All of the other referees with who I came into contact had experienced similar brush offs by the IPCC.

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