3 thoughts on “John Christy debunks climate models and extreme weather hysteria with Laura Ingraham on FOX News”

  1. Great comments, Chuck.
    I wish I could express myself as clearly & concisely…
    This Desmet guy’s ‘Mass formation’* Hypnosis / Psychosis sums up all these situations where a bunch of ignorami get a bee-in-the-bonnet about something they don’t comprehend, then try to sell the idea to everyone else…
    It seems to have been happening for at least the last 2 millenia
    * BTW I think the term ‘Mass Formation’ is a poor translation into English…… ‘Large Group’ would be be a much more meaningful term, IMHO……..

  2. another quick thought from a couple of world class observers on that graph label:

    “There are some mistakes only someone with a Ph.D. can make.” Daniel Patrck Moynihan

    “Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.” – Michael Crichton

    “There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.” – Michael Crichton

  3. this whole CAGW nonsense is driven by two fundamental groups IMHO.

    The first are the emotion driven people searching desperately for something to believe in. They kicked traditional religions to the curb along with patriotism for country and other traditional beliefs because they “know” they are smarter than ‘old people’. So they glom onto any and everything that comes down the cultural pathway. “Save the whales,” “Save the trees,” etc. Not that these things are necessarily bad but they NEVER consider opportunity cost. Ever. The upshot being the Law of Unintended Consequences pretty much always blows up in their face, so they move on to the Next Thing.

    The second group are the power mongers. They are always on the lookout for supporters that can push them higher up the power ladder so they naturally work these groups for money and support by proposing legislation and “guidelines” that satisfy the chumps while ALWAYS taking away more and more of our freedoms (an cash). Today’s out of control, overreaching EPA is a classic example. State and federal legislatures are another. Then look at our current occupant of the White House, a total disaster for the country while jamming the Satanic Gases down our throats with actions that cause massive inflation just after the Branch Covidians did so much damage to our economy, school systems, and small businesses. CAGW is just one of many attacks against the polis in favor of the crony capitalist/government quango.

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