Is global warming evaporating the Great Salt Lake?

We report. You decide.

The image above is from a recent New York Times report, parroted today by the Times’ imbecile economist Paul Krugman.

So is global warming evaporating the lake?

If you go to the NASA Earth Observatory web page, you are presented with this graph of the elevation of the Great Salt Lake.

Note the NASA graph pretends history began in Jan. 2019, even though the text mentions a previous 1963 low — when atmospheric CO2 was at a mere 319 (or 100 ppm CO2 ago, about 71% of the CO2 added since the Industrial Age).

Here’s is the fuller representation of the Great Salt Lake’s elevation. 1963 was indeed the previous low.

So there is obviously no relationship between atmospheric CO2 level and the elevation of the Great Salt Lake.

The Chicago tribune explained to it readers why the Great Salt Lake shrinks in sth article imagined below.

Note that before the all-time low in 1963, the prior low was in 1935, not too far from where the Great Salt Lake is today.

It’s like shooting’ fish in a barrel.

How do you know climate alarmists are lying? Anytime they present information.

2 thoughts on “Is global warming evaporating the Great Salt Lake?”

  1. I can’t remember how many times we’ve debunked the Klimate Klowns for using cherry picked data. My favorite, and still in use today is, “Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.” That occurred roughly around the middle to late 1800’s. Coincidentally, that is also the end of the Little Ice Age. When you spread the view to go back to the Roman Warm Period and also capture the Middle Ages Warm Period, their entire load of cow patties is wrecked. The incessant lying is wearisome.

  2. The perpetrators of this hoax have cherry-picked the available data for the purpose of supporting the leftist narrative that mankind faces an “existential threat” from the observed, continuing increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmophere. What do the perpetrators of this hoax stand to gain from perpetrating this this hoax? For an investigator to discover this reason, he/she would have to have the power of discovery that is granted to the parties to a lawsuit under the U.S. Constitution.

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