Conservative shareholders attack ‘climate clown show’

From’s Climatewire (Web | PDF). Quotes me from this year’s ExxonMobil annual meeting: “There is a cancer on Exxon Mobil. That cancer is climate activist shareholders. We must stop Exxon Mobil-hating activists from turning the annual meeting into a climate clown show so they can take over the company.”

2 thoughts on “Conservative shareholders attack ‘climate clown show’”

  1. Great to see you getting more & more coverage in the MSM…….
    We, The People, are not totally stupid and soon it will become obvious to anyone with a 3-digit IQ that the facts of 21st Century life are not being evenly covered in the mass media.
    The next 2 years will hopefully be enough time to enlighten the population and stir them into asking a lot of awkward questions……

  2. Steve, you are dealing with True Believers. They actually believe the Earth will burn up if we don’t “do something,” which usually means something stupid. That includes this “equity” communist nonsense.

    History amply demonstrates that ‘equal outcomes’ always produces economic disaster. We become economically equal, equally poor, while a (self) select few live like kings and queens.

    I also suspect that OPEC and Russia are actively working to wreck our energy producing sector in favor or their own. Then there’s the intramural conflict in our own energy sector between coal, gas, oil, nukes, and now incompetent ‘green’ energy.

    As long as the mass of NPC’s in the public continue to believe the propaganda in the popular press about CAGW we will have less and less reliable energy, until we are impoverished.

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