Video: HSBC banker destroys ESG climate investing

Climate communism is up in arms about this presentation made at a Financial Times ESG conference. Although the video exists for now on YouTube, I have captured it so that it can’t be Stalinized. Watch HSBC asset manager Stuart Kirk take apart ESG climate investing. Kirk has now been suspected from his job at HSBC.

2 thoughts on “Video: HSBC banker destroys ESG climate investing”

  1. We; The People, are being conned by certain strata of the population in ways we can’t see, not having eyes in the back of our heads………
    As Kirk points out, it’s obvious that 100 years ago nobody could have predicted the current situation even if they had today’s computing power, but the ’empty vessels’ ensconced in positions of influence over the naive [voting] population could make any kind of prophesy to further their personal [usually political] advancement.
    The transition from religious to political dominance required that politicians [both practical and theoretical] invent plausible threats to living standards etc. from which only THEY could rescue the people .
    Racism through PM10 & HFCs to CO2 have been among the most obvious red herrings used in recent decades to scare, & maintain authority over, the general population.
    The only consolation for the ‘Average Guy’ is that leopards will change their spots and pigs will fly before the vast majority of people will allow their current living standards to be eaten away by climate zealots, et al.

  2. In his address, Kirk fails to come to grips with the reality that the climate models which are supposed by him to assign numerical values to the probabilities of the outcomes of the events of the future for Earth’s climate system do no such thing because each of these events is of the “abstract” variety under which each event lacks a location in space and time. An event of this kind lacks observability but an element of a statistical population has observability. Consequently, no statistical population underlies a climate model depriving this model of empirical support.

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