Vote for Milloy’s ‘Nuisance Shareholder’ shareholder proposal at ExxonMobil

If you hate activists pretending to be shareholders at corporate annual meetings, vote for my “Nuisance Shareholder” proposal at ExxonMobil. My “shareholder proposal to end all shareholder proposals” would encourage management to end the ridiculous and counterproductive process of shareholder proposals, a process through which fossil fuel-hating activists have almost seized control of ExxonMobil.

If you can’t read the image below, here are the ExxonMobil 2022 Proxy Statement and the two pages with my proposal and ExxonMobil’s response.

3 thoughts on “Vote for Milloy’s ‘Nuisance Shareholder’ shareholder proposal at ExxonMobil”

  1. I’m really sorry I don’t have any skin in the game for both of the annual proposals. My trading took me out of the market entirely a bit ago. I don’t trust the Presidunce not to do even more stupid things.

    slog on my friends, best of luck!!

  2. Keep up the good work, Steve..
    It seems odd, but not unexpected that ‘the emptiest vessels make the loudest noise’ as usual..
    The great British motto / precept “I’m all right, Jack; b*gg*r you” and the more recent ‘NIMBY’ have spread throughout the western world……….
    Climate science is nature-study, barely qualifying as junk science…..It is not experimentally refutable, hence it is grasped by all the ignorant BS merchants in order to raise their academic / political status in the public arena……..
    If you ask them about inverse feedback, atmospheric H2O vapor, or the Medieval warm period, they quickly change the subject…….

  3. Wish you had put this out sooner … I’ve had the Exxon ballot for several days, already. (Fortunately, ProxyVote, the website that handles most corporate stockholder ballots allows changes up until a deadline just before the annual meeting.) Also, you should list the “Engine 1” directors (added last year by “activists”…) I had to dig around in old news stories to get their names. I’ve voted against those three directors.

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