2 thoughts on “Putin funding green groups to block fracking in the US, Europe”

  1. The “rabid environmental groups” act as if believing that, in the argument made by today’s climate models the axiom of probability theory called “unit measure” is satisfied by the evidence though in reality this axiom is falsified by this evidence. I provide a deductive proof of this assertion in the scientific work entitled “Impossible Regulation.” To receive a copy of this work, contact me with the email address to which this copy should be sent.

    Terry Oldberg

  2. I’ve been saying this for years.

    We have the world’s largest coal reserves and with fracking we were actually exporting oil and gas. Add thorium and uranium to the mix and we have over 1,000 years of good stable energy supply… IF we use it.

    Who benefits if our own energy supplies are cut off? OPEC and Russia mainly. I know there’s Arab money behind the anti-pipeline nuts along with oil tank car barons like Buffett funding specific anti-pipeline loonies.

    Now we’ve got a senile puppet in the White House who is cutting America’s economic throat to please his puppet masters. Wonderful.

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