Milloy talks Biden’s Gasoline Price Hike on Newsmax

From the March 31, 2022 episode of Newsmax’s Primetime with Jennifer Pellegrino and Mercedes Schlapp.

Biden falsely blames oil companies for high gas prices; Threatens to revoke unused leases

Lyin’ Biden from his news conference today. He is solely responsible for higher gas prices. Here is my Twitter thread on the 9,000 leases.

Vote for the Milloy ‘Communist China Audit’ proposal at Verizon

If you own shares of Verizon, the shareholder voting for the annual meeting has now opened. This year’s voting includes my proposal for a “Communist China Audit.” My proposal and Verizon’s (lame) response are below. I will be submitting this proposal to other companies next year. You can as well. The Verizon annual meeting is May 12, 2022. You can read about the struggle over this proposal at the Securities and Exchange Commission here.