Crony-stacked CASAC set to rubberstamp EPA PM2.5 science fraud

EPA released draft letters for CASAC to rubberstamp at meetings upcoming later this month and in early March. Here are the draft CASAC letters on PM2.5 science and policy. The only short-term hope for derailing this railroad of fraud is Young v. EPA, for which we are awaiting a decision at anytime.

One thought on “Crony-stacked CASAC set to rubberstamp EPA PM2.5 science fraud”

  1. EPA, CDC, FBI, NIH, NOAA, NASA, the list of overreaching fraudulent, out of control, grasping agencies in the US has reached critical mass, IMHO. Much like the Inland Waters scam this is just another blatant abuse of authority that will not fix anything but will do more to wreck the economy and our freedoms. I won’t reprise the reams of evidence against this evil farce as Steve and others have covered it well, but it you have not yet, search for and read them, please.

    Welcome to the American banana republic currently operated by a kakistocracy of kleptocrats.

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