Biden EPA chief vows to ignore Supreme Court on EPA regulation of coal plants

What an actual threat to our democracy looks like. EPA has no statutory authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from coal plants. Although the Supreme Court is taking up the question on Feb. 28, the Biden regime doesn’t care what the Court holds. It plans to aggressively regulate emissions from coal plants anyway. As reported by Politico’s “Morning Energy” report today:

One thought on “Biden EPA chief vows to ignore Supreme Court on EPA regulation of coal plants”

  1. America is officially a third world s-hole run by a puppet dictator and his idiot VP. There are no laws they respect, nor the citizens’ rights. I no longer recognize the country I grew up in. FDR was bad enough in my folks day, but between Obysmal and now Presidunce Xiden the country is in dire straights IMAO.

    What’s truly egregious is this overreach by the EPA is based on junk science of the worst sort that has debunked over and over.

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