Wall Street Journal editorializes on Young v. EPA

The Wall Street Journal editorializes on the Young v. EPA lawsuit. (Web | PDF). The amended complaint is here. Here is more previous media coverage of the lawsuit: Washington Times | Legal Insurrection | Daily Signal | Report Door | Epoch Times | Reuters | Law360 | National Review | Daily Caller | Bloomberg Law | Fox News

Unsung Zeroes: The Top 10 Under-Reported Climate Flops of 2021

The year 2021 may go down in history as the year that foretold the end of the climate idiocy movement — although the movement is unlikely to take the hint. This year witnessed the follies, failures and lies of climate idiocy laid bare for all to see — that is, if the media had actually reported them.

So here are the 10 biggest failures of the climate movement in 2021. The only reason the climate movement survives past these flops is because the mainstream media keeps it afloat by failing to honestly report the news.

Continue reading Unsung Zeroes: The Top 10 Under-Reported Climate Flops of 2021