Shock: Biden, Kerry change climate science narrative at COP26; Claim methane responsible for about half of observed warming

Joe Biden and John Kerry entirely changed the climate science narrative today by claiming that methane is responsible for about half of the 1.1C warming observed since industrialization. This means that the new science narrative is that recent methane emissions have had about as much of a warming effect as all the CO2 emissions from all the coal, oil and gas ever burned. Here’s the video clip of their statements. Support!


6 thoughts on “Shock: Biden, Kerry change climate science narrative at COP26; Claim methane responsible for about half of observed warming”

  1. Methane is biodegradable and as the atmospheric concentration increases, the removal rate increases exponentially with bacterial growth which will cap the concentration increase.

  2. Spot on, davidrussell
    Here in NZL, to protect us from incineration and / or inundation. we somehow have to prevent, before 2030, a zillion cows on our green pastures from belching CH4 ……
    I wonder how many cows there are thriving in all the arid tropical desert areas on the planet………..
    Anyway, someone needs to verify the existence of a ‘greenhouse’ substance anywhere near as significant as H2O

  3. Keep up the great work, Steve…..
    A lot of us see your light shining through all the BS……
    Was it Pope Frank who said ”One man, with God, is a majority”
    We oldies accepted the greenhouse effect and its self-regulation via NFB over 50 years ago [& ditto Czechoslovakia, yesterday]…..
    However, if you’re a self-serving, little-tin-god politician, why waste the opportunity to use asbestos….covid-19…… global warming……PM 2.5….etc. to scare the ignorant majority of voters into accepting your ‘cure’ for all the world’s ‘problems’
    LOL [but really shouldn’t be]……………

  4. AGW is total scientific fraud. Methane’s resonant IR frequencies overlap those of water vapor which means that except for dry climates, methane contributes zilch to warming, assuming you believe the ‘back-radiation’ nonsense to begin with (I don’t).

  5. methane is natural gas (mostly), so this is a move to control your home heating and cooking and force us into electric everything all powered by windmills, bird shredders, and pixie dust. Also consider that the “clean” electric generators are all gas fed units.

    I wouldn’t mind so much if they’d build 100 SMR’s and a dozen fast neutron reactor power plants, but you know they won’t.

    I wondered when they’d get around to demonizing my very efficient gas furnace and gas cooking stove. Now we know.

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