The EPA PM railroad begins rolling

After science advisor cleansing and reconstituting science advisory boards with its rubber-stamping cronies, the EPA PM2.5 railroad is ready to roll. It has an ‘updated assessment’ out and ready for rubberstamping, starting with EPA’s CASAC PM subpanel of cronies. The ostensible goal is to cut the PM2.5 national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) from 12 millionths of a gram per cubic meter to 8. What stands in the way of all this fraud is Young v. EPA.


One thought on “The EPA PM railroad begins rolling”

  1. if this is enacted, every farm in America will be out of compliance. What sort of insanity will they force farmers to do to “drastically reduce” this mythical threat? Every coal fired power plant in America will have to shut down which is part of the Green Blob’s plan all along.

    China and India put the lie to this particular scam. Junk Science and other science sites have posted studies and compared death and sickness rates and proven that this PM2.5 is pure nonsense. Both countries have cities with horrendous air pollution including PM2.5 particles and larger. Cigarette smokers inhale more than that. Etc., etc. Just another scam.

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