NRC denies petition to get rid of the LNT

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has denied a petition to abolish the linear no-threshold model for cancer from radiation exposure. Here is the petition. Here is the NRC denial and rule-making docket (i.e., public comments). Here is Robert Hargraves op-ed (Web | PDF) in today’s Wall Street Journal about the ongoing travesty of the LNT. Support!

One thought on “NRC denies petition to get rid of the LNT”

  1. I’ve watched this nuclear power Noh play for decades. In my opinion this is, as always, about the money. This is about the highly competitive cost of nuclear when unsaddled with ridiculous regulations whose only reason to exist is to kill nukes in favor of coal, gas, and oil from what I have read and reasoned out about it.

    We get the same dystopian demands with regard to gas and oil pipelines, fracking, and anything else that reduces or eliminates our importation of foreign gas and oil, or that bypasses railroad tank cars. The ‘useful idiots’ are ready and willing to parade around acting the fool in a lame attempt to seem important and there are always the paid organizers to whip them up with lies and half truths.

    In the meantime we’ve got these monstrous windmills and thousand of acres of Chinese solar panels providing spastic electric output causing major instability on the grid and costing several times what gas fired traditional power plants do all the while forcing ‘spinning reserve’ power to try and smooth out the outputs of the so-called green generators. What an unnecessary mess only meant to line the pockets of the snake oil salesmen with our tax dollars.

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