One thought on “Milloy discusses the mental illness of climate activists with Kara McKinney on OANN”

  1. the answer if very simple. You have two factions in the mix. First are the robber barron vultures always looking for a way to rob the people and make themselves very rich, often by way of snake oil and scams. The green movement supplies them with many opportunities, the most visible of which are windmills and solar farms, both of which some British wag called subsidy farms.

    The second and most dangerous faction are the True Believers who have turned this into a religion. They are so bereft of critical thinking and analysis that they are fully and totally swept into believing the Earth will burn unless “we do something” which usually includes murdering half the population. These are total wack jobs with all the fervor and a lot of the working rules of a certain Middle East religion that loves to kill you if you don’t pay big extortion money or convert to their religion. The similarities are striking.

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