From the July 6, 2021 episode of Ingraham Angle. A clarification on the last exchange. Laura was talking thermostats and I was thinking electric meters. Digital thermostats are okay. Smart meters — which allow utilities to control your electricity usage — are not. Support!
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The solution is to prevent Democrats from exhaling.
air conditioners merely move heat from one place to another. Yes, the compressor cycle does create some energy to heat or its own, but the amount is less than a backyard barbecue. Having said that, I’ve read articles that want to ban lawn mowers and barbecues to “save the planet.”
All of this is from psychotic crypto fascists whose only joy in life is to force other people to do something they won’t like, supported by the usual Chicken Littles running about in a panic about something new every year.
When are the adults coming home?