Red Alert: EPA begins process to undo Trump PM2.5 air quality standards decision

EPA has announced that out will review the PM2.5 NAAQS that the Trump EPA decided to leave unchanged from the Obama EPA setting at 12 micrograms/m3. This marks the start of the Biden EPA’s bid to go back to the fraudulent use of PM2.5 as its most potent regulatory weapon and portends all sport of bad regulations, including backdoor climate regulation. Stay tuned for developments. As before, will lead the fight against EPA on this. Please support our efforts.


One thought on “Red Alert: EPA begins process to undo Trump PM2.5 air quality standards decision”

  1. the jealous Euroweenies and others have wanted to take America down so they can run rough shod over the world.

    The only way to do that is to destroy our military effectiveness by several attacks and gutting the military budget is a primary one. To do that you have to wreck the country’s economy so “we can no longer afford such large expenditures.” They’ve already started by strangling our self sufficient oil and gas. Now they will force hundreds of thousands of windmills, solar arrays and other expensive and useless power generators while shutting down first oil fired and then eventually gas fired power generators. PM2.5 is the weapon to get that done.

    BTW, PM2.5 will be used against farming thus wrecking our relatively cheap, abundant food supply. They’ve already tried that tactic not too long ago. Congress had to pass a carve out for farming which I expect Biden and Congress to reverse “to save the planet.” We are at war and have been infiltrated with political enemies aiming to wreck us on the rocks of oligarchical socialist tyranny.

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