Milloy to EPA Administrator: Pick a new CASAC or see you in court

My letter to Biden EPA administrator Michael Regan about his stacking of the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee panel with EPA grant-recipient cronies.

June 29, 2021

Dear Administrator Regan,

I am writing to request that you reconsider your choices for the members of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC).

The law requires that CASAC be constituted as a fair and balanced independent panel. The CASAC you selected is not.

Five of the seven new CASAC members are current and/or past research grant recipients, which creates the appearance and potential for conflict of interest. For example:

  • New CASAC chairman Lianne Sheppard is associated with $65 million in EPA research grants.
  • New CASAC member Michelle Bell is associated with $29 million in EPA research grants.
  • New CASAC member Mark Frampton is associated with $36 million in EPA research grants.

In addition to these glaring conflicts:

  • New CASAC chairman Sheppard participated in a lawsuit against the previous EPA when she lost her CASAC appointment due to adoption of conflict-of-interest rules.
  • New CASAC member Frampton participated in now-halted EPA-funded human experimentation that was unethical, if not illegal.

Although well-qualified individuals with different and balanced views of air quality science were nominated, including past chairman Tony Cox, none were selected for the CASAC panel.

All the facts were made known to EPA via public comment. But they were disregarded without explanation.

You have announced your intention to rollback and overturn Trump EPA air quality decisions. So your deliberate stacking of CASAC with EPA cronies needs no explanation.

Whatever regulatory actions EPA takes involving this particular CASAC could very well tainted by stacking for the purpose of rubberstamping pre-determined EPA policy.

The stacking of CASAC is not only contrary to law, bad policy and bad optics, it could very well make regulatory decisions vulnerable to legal challenge.

I urge you to reconsider the membership of CASAC immediately and before any irreparable damage to the regulatory process is done.

If you need more information, please contact me.


Steve Milloy


2 thoughts on “Milloy to EPA Administrator: Pick a new CASAC or see you in court”

  1. “see you in court”. Is that a real option? What is the path towards a suit? All opposed to this power grab, need to support Steve with a donation to Junk Science.

  2. Go get ’em Tony!

    You and many of us are totally aware of the kind of junk rules that will issue from a ‘bent’ CASC. It’ll start with the PM2.5 junk science. The rest of their nonsense will be based on LNT and the CAGW scam.

    In order to tighten their tyrannical grip on our freedoms they have to get us out of our private cars and single family homes. The Satanic Gases is their battle flag. Please do what you can to derail this.

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