Milloy slams making humans allergic to meat to save the planet

From the June 23, 2021 episode of OANN’s Tipping Point with Kara McKinney.

One thought on “Milloy slams making humans allergic to meat to save the planet”

  1. now that the wheels are falling off the covid wagon, CAGW is their fallback position. Just before covid AGW had pretty much been pushed off the radar because none of their dire predictions have come true. In point of fact often the opposite has occurred. Polar and antarctic ice – QED.

    The insanity among the warmists is so blatant. Some of it is fear based and the rest is rent seeking scam artists out to pick our pockets (once again). When virtually anybody can go to college with all the ‘free’ money from the feds and the state, then anybody DOES go to college. Once they graduate or get to PhD level they need to find income, so they invent all sorts of boogeymen to throw at us and, of course, they are the only ones to save us (according to them).
    “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” – H.L. Menken

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