From the May 26, 2021 episode of Tucker Carlson’s show. The entire segment is great but pay particular attention to what Jesse Kelly says between 2:08-2:27. He explains precisely why facts bounce of the left, whether the topic is gun control, climate, COVID, race, Trump or anything else. Just brilliant.
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Let me add my agreement to the comment above. That video segment showing the gun being put into “full auto” at the end is terribly misleading – an AR-15 is not capable of “full auto” and to end that segment that way is horribly misleading. This video should be removed or at least edited. Let’s not give the liars on the left any ammunition, they invent enough phony stories as it is.
that ‘full auto’ segment at the end reinforces the idea that an AR-15 can do that. FALSE! That might have been an M-16 I suppose. Please stop letting something like this stand. The media clowns would have a field day with it.