Your Immediate Help Requested: Nominate members for EPA’s independent science advisory boards

We need your help and the deadline is Monday, May 3, 2021. On or about March 30, 2021, Biden EPA chief Michael Regan fired all of EPA’s independent science advisers and rolled back important anti-corruption measures implemented by the Trump EPA to ensure the independence and balance of these boards as required by law. For background on this, read my Washington Times column. EPA is now taking nominations for new members. The deadline for submitting nominations is Monday, May 3, 2021. Read on to help nominate scientists and experts for the EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) and Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC). You can nominate yourself or someone else. This is very important.

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Off-script Biden admits US action on climate is pointless

During his April 28, 2021 address to Congress, Joe Biden went off-script and admitted that US action on climate is pointless: “If we do everything perfectly, it’s not going to ultimately matter“. The clip and text of his prepared remarks are below. Bottom line: Biden wants to spend trillions on climate. He will ‘pay’ for it by raising billions in taxes. And “it’s not going to matter.” Eighty million people voted for that? Please support Donate!

Continue reading Off-script Biden admits US action on climate is pointless