Milloy talks Biden’s infrastructure-plan-to-nowhere on Newsmax ‘American Agenda’

From the April 1, 2021 edition.

Hah! Climate communists defeat themselves in New York City v. Big Oil

The Second Circuit has ruled that the Clean Air Act (via the 2007 SCOTUS decision in Massachusetts v. EPA) is the forum for regulating green house gases. — not state common law. The decision in New York City v. Big Oil is rich with irony. As it turns out, climate activists and Democrat states preempted NYC’s lawsuit against Big Oil by convincing SCOTUS 14 years ago to allow EPA to regulate greenhouse gases in Massachusetts v. EPA. Climate activists have tried to take down Big Oil with the #ExxonKnew campaign. Looks like the #ActivistLawyersShouldHaveKnown that the political question of regulating greenhouse gases has already been decided by SCOTUS. The decision is here. Some key quotes below.

Continue reading Hah! Climate communists defeat themselves in New York City v. Big Oil

Blue collar workers trash Biden infrastructure plan as a job-killing pay off to green looney toons