SEC Climate Task Force Tip #1: Delta Airlines’ false and misleading claim about carbon offsets

As of March 4, 2021, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is looking for tips on false and misleading climate disclosures. We welcome this since we petitioned the SEC in August 2019 to take action against climate lying. Here is today’s example (and tip for the SEC) of climate lying from Delta Airlines.

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SEC announces Climate Task Force to punish climate lying

I petitioned the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in August 2019 to take action against climate lying. Now, the SEC has set up a task force inside the Division of Enforcement, the part of the Commission that sends people to jail. I wonder if we’re on the same page? We shall see. The SEC media release is below.

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New Calabrese: No scientific foundation for linear threshold model used in government risk assessment

“To date, regulatory agencies appear to have ignored these scientific developments and have seemingly doubled down on their assertions to support LNT, holding to a belief without a credible history and scientific foundation.” Low Rad Journal-LNTHere is the paper.