NYTimes: JunkScience.com ‘promotes false information on climate’ — but we quote him anyway!

The New York Times reports today that California air chief Mary Nichols will not be Joe Biden’s EPA chief because she is apparently an environmental racist. Too bad for Nichols, but keep reading.

Here’s the bad news for Mary Nichols:

Here’s how I tried to help:

Note that, according to the New York Times, JunkScience.com promotes “false information on climate change” — yet I am apparently reliable enough to be quoted in the “paper of record.”

The NYTimes has never pointed out a single piece of false climate information from JunkScience.com.

But the NYTimes is shielded from liability because I am a “public figure” per NYTimes v. Sullivan, giving the paper license to libel without liability.

And speaking of promoting false information, the New York Times erroneously reports that I “led” the Trump transition team. Sorry, but I was just one member of the EPA part of the transition team.

Lastly, look at what the Democrats have just done to new to their best soldiers — sacrificing and disparaging Mary Nichols on the bogus altar of environmental racism. Imagine what they will be willing to do to you.

UPDATE: Late this afternoon after I informed them of their error re the transition team, the NYTimes issued the following update to its piece:

Obvisouly, the NYTimes has no interest in retracting its libel of JunkScience.com.

3 thoughts on “NYTimes: JunkScience.com ‘promotes false information on climate’ — but we quote him anyway!”

  1. “Environmental racism is a concept in the environmental justice movement, which developed in the United States throughout the 1970s and 1980s. The term is used to describe environmental injustice that occurs within a racialized context both in practice and policy.[1] In the United States, environmental racism criticizes inequalities between urban and exurban areas after white flight. Internationally, environmental racism can refer to the effects of the global waste trade, like the negative health impact of the export of electronic waste to China from developed countries. ”

    OK – so given the above definition: Since racism is the cause of all economic disparity in the world, any environmental damage that generally affects the poor more than the rich is environmental racism.

  2. Not only has she done nothing to address environmental racism, she’s also done nothing about phlogiston contamination, and the unicorn problem.

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