Milloy on Fox News talking Big Business using climate against small business

This FOX Business report aired on Fox News today.

Sen. Sheldon Outhouse urges Joe Biden: Build Back Better with China

Wanna-be jailer of climate skeptics, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, is lobbying Joe Biden on behalf of China. Here is his letter asking Biden to rollback the Trump tariffs on Chinese solar panels. Build back better with China.

Milloy on Fox News’ Ingraham Angle with Jesse Watters talking Great Reset and COVID relief bill

Here’s the clip from last night.

Washington Post anti-semitic cartoon catches national media attention courtesy of

The story/mega-tweet about the Washington Post anti-semitic depiction of Trump supports has had a big 24 hours getting stories on,,,,, (Russkies) and on Fox News’ program The Five (clip below) — kudos to Katie Pavlich and Greg Gutfeld for straightening out the blowhard Geraldo Rivera.

Washington Post uses Nazi anti-semitic rat imagery for Trump supporters in cartoon

We report. You decide. Compare today’s Washington Post cartoon by Pulitzer Prize-winner Ann Telnaes with the one published on February 2, 1939 in the Viennese newspaper in Das Kleine Blatt.

Here’s the WaPo cartoon…

And here’s the Nazi newspaper cartoon… Continue reading Washington Post uses Nazi anti-semitic rat imagery for Trump supporters in cartoon

Milloy with Laura Ingraham talking climate, Biden’s climate czar and China

My appearance on last night’s Ingraham Angle on FOX News.

Wrong Again: 2020’s Failed Climate Doomsaying

2020 has been the wildest and most unpredictable year in the memory of most people. But did the climate doom that was predicted to occur in or by 2020 materialize? What follows are 10 predictions made for 2020 and what really happened. As it turns out, climate doomsayers weren’t seeing so 20-20 when it came to 2020.

Continue reading Wrong Again: 2020’s Failed Climate Doomsaying

NYTimes: ‘promotes false information on climate’ — but we quote him anyway!

The New York Times reports today that California air chief Mary Nichols will not be Joe Biden’s EPA chief because she is apparently an environmental racist. Too bad for Nichols, but keep reading.

Continue reading NYTimes: ‘promotes false information on climate’ — but we quote him anyway!

Milloy testifies on Pennsylvania Governor Wolf’s proposal to join RGGI

My oral testimony delivered this morning to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. (Cartoon from Cartoons by Josh).

Continue reading Milloy testifies on Pennsylvania Governor Wolf’s proposal to join RGGI

HUGE WINNING… EPA will not tighten PM2.5 air quality standards and friends — including Steve Milloy, Jim Enstrom, Stan Young, John Dunn and others — have worked for more than 20 years to achieve this result. A Biden administration will undoubtedly try to overturn this decision. So we will have to continue fighting the PM2.5 fraudsters. Meantime, this is a BIG win. More info: EPA Fact Sheet (PDF | Web) Federal Register notice (Web | PDF) EPA PM web page