California to imitate Harvard Howler: Air regulator CARB to fraudulently link PM2.5 to COVID-19

One fraud begets another. Air quality harms no one’s health and certainly has no effect on COVID-19. But America’s communists are going all out to defeat President Trump, including the bogus effort to connect PM2.5 and deaths from COVID-19.

CARB boss mama, Mary Nichols. Never met air quality fraud she didn’t like.

According to the Inside EPA (May 6):

CARB officials said during an April 23 board meeting — prior to the change in the Harvard study’s conclusion — that they plan to soon launch a similar study, though one focused solely on California that would also examine additional air pollutants.

“One study we are investigating is a California-specific version of the Harvard study . . . considering the role of air pollution in COVID health outcomes,” said CARB staffer Bonnie-Holmes Gen, a former longtime policy director for the American Lung Association in California.

“While the Harvard study looked only at PM 2.5 and associated mortality, we are working with contractors to develop a study that goes beyond mortality to also look at the role of air pollution in increasing the rates of COVID-19 deaths and illnesses, as well as looking into demographics and socioeconomic status differences,” she said.

CARB expects the study will be completed within the next six months, according to Holmes-Gen.

The connection between air pollution levels and COVID-19 illnesses and death rates “highlights another benefit from strong air pollution controls, and an important reason to keep pushing forward on clean air progress as quickly as possible,” she said.

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