Arctic melting to cause catastrophic sea level rise or… an ice age?

The contrasting views of apocalyptics circa 1947 vs. 1960. Useful to keep in mind as you consider today’s apocalyptic Arctic hysteria.

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WINNING: EPA science advisers reject EPA staff particulate matter claims

Here is the draft letter from the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee concerning the EPA staff’s most recent junk science-based assessment of the health effects of air borne particulate matter. A majority of the CASAC rejected the EPA staff’s claims that PM is scientifically associated with premature mortality and other health effects. In other words, after spending $600 million on PM2.5 research, EPA has nothing.

You can read the October 2019 testimony of and friends to CASAC here.

Latest EPA science transparency proposal leaked to NYTimes; Key air quality junk science to be banned unless data is made public

Here it is. Please review and send me your thoughts. Supposedly this is what will be sent to the White House for review and approval.

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No, there’s no wild bee-pocalypse, either!

“Did you catch the story about the swarm of 25,000 bees that had to be captured and removed (by a special police unit, no less) from the Staten Island Ferry Station in New York City?” Read Part 2 of Dr. Henry Miller’s debunking of the alleged bee-pocalype at Part 1 is here.

Paris Climate Accord debunked by former IPCC chair

I call it the Paris Climate Hoax. Former IPCC Chair Bob Watson doesn’t use those words but comes to the same conclusion in a new report published by the Universal Ecological Fund, which examines in retail the 184 voluntary pledges under the Paris Agreement.

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