The (resistance) EPA staff continues to insist that particulate matter in outdoor air kills people. Today the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) took public comment on EPA’ most recent scientific assessment. Below are my (killer) oral comments that explain the entire PM fraud in five minutes.

Good afternoon. I am Steve Milloy.
The EPA claim that PM kills people is 100% fraud.
I sued EPA in 2012 over its illegal human experiments with PM.
EPA admitted to the court that its PM epidemiology was just mere statistics and insufficient by itself to conclude that PM kills.
The EPA’s lawyers told the court that EPA undertook the human experiments because the epidemiology was inadequate.
The purpose of the experiments was to develop biological plausibility for the claim that PM killed.
Although EPA exposed hundreds of elderly and sick people to extremely high levels of PM, not a single adverse effect was reported. None.
So the clinical experiments provide no biological evidence to support EPA’s claim.
A curious individual might then ask, is there any other evidence lending biological plausibility to EPA’s inadequate epidemiology.
Well, let’s see.
Despite unrealistically intense exposures, not a single lab animal has ever been killed by PM.
Although PM levels in China and India have had hit astronomical levels, there are no reports of actual deaths. None. Not one.
In Beijing, PM levels are anywhere from 5 to 10 times higher than Washington, DC on average.
But life expectancy is greater in Beijing.
Underground coal miners are allowed to inhale PM at a rate of 1,500 micrograms per cubic meter on a full-time basis. There are no reports of coal miners dying from acute PM exposures.
As to chronic exposures, non-smoking coal miners have a greater life expectancy than the average worker.
Smoking may kill a lot of people, but the other thing it kills is the PM fraud.
Consider that the average non-smoker will inhale about 2 sugar packets-worth of PM over the course of an 80-year life span.
But guess what?
Smokers can inhale a 4-lb pound sugar bag’s worth of PM and have the same life expectancy as the 2 sugar-packet nonsmoker. That’s according to research published in the New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA.
Smoking a single marijuana joint delivers about 2-years’ worth of outdoor air PM in just a few minutes.
There are no reports of deaths associated with smoking marijuana, even though it is now routinely prescribed to seriously ill people – the very people EPA says are most vulnerable to PM.
So what about the air pollution-related deaths at the Meuse Valley in 1930, or Donora, Pennsylvania in 1948 or the London fog of 1952?
Great question.
The contemporaneous peer-reviewed accounts attribute the deaths to acidic gases concentrated by atmospheric inversions. Not PM.
Those are the facts. Now for the fraud.
Comically, Dockery and Pope blame PM for the excess deaths in their studies even though at least half their study populations are smokers or former smokers.
Outdoor air PM isn’t even a significant exposure in their studies, but they ridiculously blame PM anyway.
Dockery and Pope keep their data secret and won’t allow independent researchers to run independent analyses.
Doug, I know you’re on the call… are you exercising your constitutional right against self-incrimination by keeping your data secret?
Perhaps the funniest bit of PM science fraud is Pope’e effort to dodge the glaring problem of the smoking epidemiology.
Pope actually published an article trying to explain that outdoor air is more deadly than smoking. Pretty funny stuff considering that a smoking single cigarette is like deeply inhaling anywhere from 50 to 200 days’ worth of PM in a few minutes.
EPA staff has ignored – without explanation – all the epidemiology studies that report no association between PM and death. The studies are all peer-reviewed, published… and ignored as if they don’t exist.
EPA SAB members Stan Young and Richard Smith have done the best work on PM with their California study.
But EPA staff just can’t be bothered. After all, there is 25 years, and $600 million worth of EPA-funded science fraud to uphold.
Jim Enstrom has debunked Pope’s work. But EPA staff worships Pope as infallible.
So let’s recap:
Point 1. The epidemiology relied by EPA staff, even gullibly accepted at face value, is insufficient on its own to draw any conclusions about PM.
Point 2. There is no evidence lending any biological plausibility to the notion that PM has killed anyone… anywhere… ever. That is ‘game over’ for the notion that PM kills.
Point 3. EPA and EPA-funded researchers have bent over backwards to thwart any independent review of the controversial studies.
And just in case you’ve fallen for the lie that the Health Effects Institute reviewed the PM epidemiology circa 2000, I’m still not sure what HEI actually reviewed.
But whatever HEI reviewed, that review was certainly not independent since HEI is EPA-funded and part-and-parcel of the PM racketeering.
Additionally, I presented these facts to the HEI brain trust in a private meeting in 2017.
Dan Greenbaum, his senior staff and board had no rebuttal to what you just heard.
While I can back up everything I have stated on this call, the PM racketeers can’t back up anything of their claims with real-world evidence. They just keep pretending not to hear critics.
If I’m wrong. Show me. And everyone else.
But I know they won’t because they can’t.
Thank you.