No… wind mills and solar panels do NOT pay for themselves in health benefits

The latest from the Chinese Communist Party-owned Harvard T.C. Chan School of Public Health. The claim here is that wind mills and solar panels reduce air pollution from fossil fuel burning and, therefore, reduce deaths and health effects. Then applying bogus economics to monetize statistical lives saved and health effects avoided, wind and solar allegedly pay for themselves. But…

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WINNING… EPA CASAC panel votes to leave PM standards alone

EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) voted 4-2 last week to advise EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler that the existing air quality standards for particulate matter (PM) do NOT need to be tightened.

CASAC Chairman Tony Cox, a Trump EPA appointee, has arrested the CASAC panel’s 20-year slide into scientific lunacy.

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Apocalypse Not! How Science Is Distorted To Serve The Activist Agenda

“If honeybee populations aren’t in trouble — anywhere — in spite of the insistent repetition that they are, where did the popular wisdom about an impending “bee-pocalypse” originate?” Read Henry Miller’s full column at

House Democrats bully confused GOP into supporting (junk) ‘scientific integrity’ bill

Rep. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.)… you need to call me before you get further buffaloed on H.R. 1709, the “Scientific Integrity Act.” The bill has nothing to do with scientific integrity, fixes no problems and instead provides safe harbors for the science miscreants in federal agencies.

Science news report | HR 1709 | Lucas amendment

Milloy presentation to EPA CASAC re claim that PM kills

The (resistance) EPA staff continues to insist that particulate matter in outdoor air kills people. Today the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) took public comment on EPA’ most recent scientific assessment. Below are my (killer) oral comments that explain the entire PM fraud in five minutes.

Brigham Young University’s epidemiology fraudster C. Arden Pope, III.

Continue reading Milloy presentation to EPA CASAC re claim that PM kills

Trump to cool planet by lifting logging restrictions in Alaska

The most IPCC ‘science’ indicates that President Trump’s move to allow logging in Alaska’s Tongass national Forest would reduce global warming.

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Study: 2018 saw most snow in Arctic since 1987

1987 is 70 ppm CO2 ago and a year before James Hansen’s alarming congressional testimony. There was much snow in 2018 that “only a few animals and plants were able to reproduce because of abundant and late melting snow.” And climate bedwetters want to ‘reverse’ global warming!

Study: Web | PDF