Science Dies in Darkness at the Washington Post

The Trump-hating Washington Post protests the 2016 election with its sore loser slogan, “Democracy Dies In Darkness.” So let’s check out today’s front-page climate hysteria.

You can read the article here.

Below is the image from the jump page. Note the dramatic temperature change (dark red) presented for 2014-2018 vs. 1880-1899 for the polar region.

Past the arbitrary years and times spans, what’s wrong with this analysis?

Here’s the answer.

Below is Robert Peary, the first man to reach the North Pole — in 1909.

1909 is almost 30 years after the WaPo claims to have Arctic temperature data. Not only did Peary not make it to the North Pole until 1909, God knows when systematic temperature taking in the Arctic began.

Pretending to know Arctic temperatures from the late 19th century through the early 20the century is just fraud.

While higher atmospheric CO2 will tend to warm the Arctic more than temperature regions because there is less water vapor in the Arctic, this is no excuse for making up temperature data and passing them off as facts.

Finally, note that the WaPo admits to having insufficient data for the Antarctic — Roald Amundsen first reached the South Pole in 1911 — but it can’t bring itself to admit the same for the Arctic.

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