AAAS fundraises off measles tragedy while overlooking its own role in science fraud

Contrary to the appeal of American Association for the Advancement of Science President Rush Holt, I’m not looking to the AAAS to combat science fraud as it overlooks its own role in it.

Below is the rest of the fundraising email received from Holt and the AAAS this morning.

Yes, it was about 20 years ago that Andrew Wakefield published his fraudulent paper in Lancet, kicking off the tragic anti-vaxx movement.

But readers of this page will recall that 23 years ago, the AAAS’ Science magazine rushed to publication a fraudulent paper claiming that chemicals in the environment were potent disrupters of hormonal systems.

As explained in my recent Wall Street Journal op-ed and in greater detail here, the fraudulent Science paper was instrumental in launching the endocrine disrupter scare which has had myriad unfortunate consequences.

The AAAS has more recently defended EPA secret science. And of course, the AAAS is all in on climate hysteria.

The AAAS is not a pro-science group. It is just a swampy, Washington DC lobby group advocating for more taxpayer largesse for its greedy, politicized university membership.

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