The Plan Is… No Plan: Why the GOP shouldn’t do anything on climate

Like the title says. Your quick-read guide for why Republicans need no alternative to the Green New Deal.

The media release is below. The Plan is… No Plan is here.


For Immediate Release:
April 30, 2019


E&E Action Sends “The Plan is…No Plan!” to Congress Urging that the Best Course of Action on Climate is to do Nothing

Feeling Left Out, Some Republicans are Creating their Own “Green New Deal-Light,” Which Is Bad for the Country, Bad for the Economy, and Bad Politics

Washington, D.C. – Today the Energy & Environment Action Team (E&E Action), a 501 (c) (4) organization, sent a document to members of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate urging them that the best way to address “climate change” is to do nothing. “The Plan is…No Plan!” was sent to all 435 U.S. Representatives and 100 U.S. Senators.

“In the wake of the job-killing, economy-destroying, Stalinist ‘Green New Deal,’ Republicans in Congress for some inexplicable reason feel compelled to come up with a more moderateversion of this horrible idea,” said E&E Action Board Member and Founder Steve Milloy. “Half of crazy is still crazy, so we sent a plan to all Members of Congress urging them that the best action on climate is no action.”

When socialist and media darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced her “Green New Deal (GND)” in February, Republicans and Conservatives appeared to be united in their opposition to her dangerous rehash of ideas that have destroyed countries like Venezuela in recent years. Even Democrats want nothing to do with it as witnessed by no Senator, including those who sponsored the GND, voting for the measure when it was brought to the Senate Floor for a vote in late March.

As Milloy noted in a Wall Street Journal op-ed earlier this month following the Senate Vote, “Climate alarmists demanded that Republicans come up with a plan of their own. But the best plan may be no plan at all…”

President Donald Trump was elected in large part by promising to rollback energy and environment overregulations introduced by the Obama Administration that destroyed large segments of this country and severely hurt the middle and lower classes. The President withdrew the U.S. from the one-sided, economy-destroying “Paris Agreement,” for example, pointing out correctly that it’s a bad deal for America. The Republican base and most Americans in general have responded overwhelmingly favorably, cheering lowering energy prices, a booming economy, and a skyrocketing stock market.

Yet, some Republicans feel the need to give the far left in this country validity by publicly acknowledging a need to address “climate change.” And then doubling down by introducing their own versions of the GND.

As The Plan is…No Plan points out, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R- FL) tweeted that “climate change is real” and that “Something needs to be done about it.” Ironically, Gaetz is a big Trump supporter, so why he would go against the President on a seminal and unpopular issue like climate is baffling.

Sen. Lindsey Graham jumped into the fray last week. E&E News reported “that Graham said that the GOP are “ready to ‘cross the Rubicon’ on climate.'” The trade publication went on to say that “Congressional Republicans are developing legislation to introduce next year that could serve as the GOP framework for addressing climate change.”

Milloy points to four reasons in particular why the best course action on climate is no plan. These include: 1) Cutting U.S. emissions won’t have much of an effect on the climate; 2) Claims of reductions in national emissions should be taken with a grain of salt; 3) The only thing certain about CO2 is that it’s necessary for life on Earth; and 4) Pointlessly wrecking the U.S. economy is bad politics.

Regarding the 4th point, “climate change” as an issue consistently polls at or near the bottom in questions that ask what voters are most concerned. This is especially true for conservatives and independents who understand how the Left and their benefactors have used the environment as a means of consolidating wealth, and securing financial and political leverage. In fact, the only ones clamoring for the GND, Clean Power Plan, and any other other Soviet-era centralized approach to energy are the Leftists and Intelligentsia in this country.

Speaking of Leftist Intelligentsia, it’s not surprising that Tom Steyer, the billionaire who made much of his money siting coal-fire power plants before turning climate crusader, was one of the first to attack Milloy’s Wall Street Journal op-ed. Milloy responded with an invitation for Steyer to debate him on the issue but so far mum’s the word from Tom.

The Energy & Environment Action Team is a 501(c)(4) organization that champions responsible and balanced environmentalism which seeks to conserve the nation’s natural resources while ensuring a stable and strong economy through energy dominance.

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