New Calabrese: A comprehensive assessment of the LNT’s historical and scientific foundations

If you’ve missed Calabrese’s work so far… catch up on the LNT controversy with his latest paper: “The LNT single-hit dose-response model for cancer risk assessment was conceived, formulated, and applied in a manner which is now known to have been scientifically invalid.”

Obama EPA science advisor trying to stop Trump EPA science adviser from reviewing PM2.5 science

Obama EPA CASAC Chair Chris Frey is trying to stop Trump EPA CASAC Chair Tony Cox from asking questions about PM2.5 of EPA staff and the Health Effects Institute. Here are the questions Cox asked EPA staff. Here is Frey’s complaint. Below is an excerpt from today’s E&E News report on Frey’s bid to keep the Obama EPA’s PM2.5 fraud alive.

Source: E&E News ($)