Glider truck study vindicated by Tennessee Tech: Emissions from gliders and new trucks are about the same

That’s what the letter says. But it probably won’t be what you read in Fake News media accounts (ahem… Eric Lipton, I can’t wait for your report).

It’s official. The Tennessee Tech University study comparing emissions from glider trucks and news trucks is good. That’s what is concluded in this new letter from the TTU Board of Trustees.

The TTU results show that emissions from gliders and new trucks are about the same. And those results are valid. They were based on real-world emissions testing versus the nonsense done by OEM’s in non-real world laboratory settings.

If there’s any bad news, it is for the new truck industry — which has recently had to recall 1.2 million trucks with Volvo and Cummins engines for faulty emissions control systems. Not only do these new truck emissions control systems not work in the real-world, new truck buyers get it right up the tailpipe by having to pay a lot extra for them.

The actual scandal is the new truck industry cabal that works hand-in-glove with EPA: the new truck industry supports EPA efforts to tighten emissions standards which allow the new truck industry to sell ever-more expensive trucks (albeit with unnecessary, junk emissions control systems).

Keep in mind the original Obama EPA rulemaking that the new truck industry used to get gliders banned was about CO2 emissions. Even the Volvo Trucks-rigged resistance-EPA test showed that gliders emit less CO2 than new trucks (remanufactured glider engines are much lighter than new truck engines).

The glider truck industry was screwed by the new truck industry and the resistance/Deep State-EPA cabal. Congress and the EPA inspector general are investigating. That’s not enough.

The Trump EPA needs to finish undoing the wrong that the Obama EPA did as soon as possible. The President wants it done. Glider industry workers want their jobs back. The new truck industry lobbyists and EPA-resistance guys belong in jail. But I will settle for just undoing the wrong they committed.

Click here to read’s coverage of the glider truck tragedy.

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