New emails obtained from New York state show the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) giving new meaning to the “C” in Northeast States Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM).

NESCAUM is a nonprofit of comprised of Northeast state air quality agencies. Here’s how NESCAUM describes itself — note that no part of NESCAUM’s mission is to act as a front for radical environmental groups.
Yet fronting for a radical environmental group is precisely what NESCAUM did with glider trucks.
Last November, the Trump EPA proposed to rollback the Obama EPA rule that attempted to destroy the glider truck industry. The comment deadline was January 5, 2018.
The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) wanted to extend the comment period to delay and hopefully bollocks the rulemaking. EDF apparently contacted EPA about doing this and was told that hopes for a delay would be better if someone other than an enviro group made the ask.
So as the e-mail below shows, EDF asked NESCAUM to make the actual request to EPA. This e-mail was obtained via the state of New York’s public records law.
But as the e-mail below shows the trick didn’t work. The Trump EPA refused to extend the comment deadline.
Now note who sent the e-mail informing NESCAUM of EPA’s refusal… who else… Bill Charmley!… the guy who Volvo Trucks contacted to set up the rigged glider testing that EPA did.
What do you want to bet that Charmley was the EPA staffer who told EDF to get someone else to ask for the comment deadline extension?