In June, broke the news that EPA career staff and Volvo Trucks had worked cooperatively on a rigged glider truck emissions test. New e-mails obtained via FOIA indicate origin of the rigged testing idea.
The characters in today’s drama are:

For background, read “EXPOSED: E-mails reveal Volvo Trucks, (Obama leftover) EPA staff rig agency test in effort to destroy glider truck industry.”
So here’s the chain of events resulting in the rigged testing of gliders.
On September 5, 2017, Volvo Trucks lobbyist Steve Berry called EPA OTAQ Assessment and Standards Division director Bill Charmley and left a voice mail suggesting that EPA run an emissions test for gliders. Here is the eager-to-accept Charmley’s e-mail response to Berry:
Per Charmley’s advice, Volvo Lobbyist Berry then called Charmley’s boss Angela Cullen. While there is no record of that telephone conversation, here is a follow-up e-mail to Cullen from Berry indicating that EPA and Volvo Trucks are already off to the races on the rigged testing plot:
This was then followed by more EPA-Volvo Trucks conspiring-by-telephone.
It’s great to be able to just dial-up the government and have it destroy your competitor, isn’t it?