JAMA Editor’s Double Standard

Truck emissions kill more people every year than actually die. The greens say so. And JAMA editor Howard Bauchner is okay with that.

Like ex-JAMA editor George Lundberg, Howard Bauchner will publish anything, no matter how fraudulent. Not sure Bauchner realizes that JunkScience.com got Lundberg fired for such conduct.

On June 18, I asked the Journal of the American Medical Association to retract an article claiming that emissions from glider trucks were killing people. The logical extension of the article was that truck emissions as a whole kill 35 percent more Americans than actually die and that the article’s claim was based on a public comment letter from the Environmental Defense Fund. Here’s how JAMA editor Howard Bauchner responded.

Here is my June 18 request to Bauchner:

Here is his July 11 response to me:

And here is my response:

I continue to be amazed at how such a prestigious medical journal can be so invested in such obvious science fraud.

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