New-Truck Emissions Scandal: Cummins recalls 500,000 trucks for faulty NOx emissions control

So now we know why Cummins-engine-using Volvo Trucks and the EPA Deep Staters (DEEPA?) in its Michigan emissions lab didn’t want to test Cummins engines against glider engines.

Continue reading New-Truck Emissions Scandal: Cummins recalls 500,000 trucks for faulty NOx emissions control

California air regulators (CARB) caught lying about diesel particulate filters (DPFs)

Deep State air regulators and the rentseeking emissions control industry that depends on the Deep State don’t want you to watch this video or read this report.

CARB’s own study shows that DPF filters do remove particulate matter but instead actually emit them. This study shows that the particles emitted are even finer and is even more capable of being absorbed into your circulatory system and can even be absorbed through the skin. If you fret exposure to diesel particulate, CARBS’s Truck and Bus Regulation is creating even worse pollution than it is reducing.

Milloy & Dunn testimony to EPA on science transparency

This afternoon, I delivered the following remarks on EPA’s proposed science transparency rule at the public hearing. I commented on behalf of myself and Dr. John Dunn. We are trying to open the black box.

Open Black Box

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FLASHBACK: Carbon taxes won’t save the planet

My Washington Times column from 2012 with the simple math that shows why a US carbon tax will have no effect on the climate — even if you do believe in catastrophic global warming.

Continue reading FLASHBACK: Carbon taxes won’t save the planet

JAMA Editor’s Double Standard

Truck emissions kill more people every year than actually die. The greens say so. And JAMA editor Howard Bauchner is okay with that.

Like ex-JAMA editor George Lundberg, Howard Bauchner will publish anything, no matter how fraudulent. Not sure Bauchner realizes that got Lundberg fired for such conduct.

Continue reading JAMA Editor’s Double Standard

Trump nominee Judge Kavanaugh: EPA must do cost-benefit analysis

This is the case about the EPA’s junk science-fueled Mercury Air Toxics Standard (MATS) — the rule that broke the back of the coal industry.

Continue reading Trump nominee Judge Kavanaugh: EPA must do cost-benefit analysis

Trump nominee Kavanaugh may not be a climate skeptic… but here’s why that’s okay!

Here is what Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has had to say about global warming in DC Circuit Court of Appeals decisions.

Continue reading Trump nominee Kavanaugh may not be a climate skeptic… but here’s why that’s okay!

Study: Cancer risk from chemicals, radiation not additive to background risk

The great Ed Calabrese is sweeping another default assumption of regulatory risk assessment into the ash bin of history.

Continue reading Study: Cancer risk from chemicals, radiation not additive to background risk

Get rid of the LNT model for low-dose radiation protection, says Public Health Service radiation safety expert

More than one thousand people died from low-dose radiation panic at Fukushima — thanks to the LNT hypothesis adopted via scientific misconduct.

Continue reading Get rid of the LNT model for low-dose radiation protection, says Public Health Service radiation safety expert