The criminal conspiracy to destroy the glider truck industry is expanding. I guess the Journal of the American Medical Association wants to be part of it.

This week, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published this essay (JAMA web site | Archived PDF):
Amid the usual science fraud about PM2.5 killing anyone and everyone, this claim (highlighted) is noteworthy:
Curious as to the source of this bogus 41,000-deaths claim, I clicked on the link for the claim in the JAMA article. That took me to this:
That’s right, the 41,000-deaths claim is supported by a comment letter from radical enviro groups opposed to the Trump EPA rollback of the Obama EPA glider truck rule.
Look for some explanation for the claim, I came upon this in the letter:
Let’s note here that, while the enviro group letter (bogusly) claims 4,100 deaths by 2025 — compare that with JAMA article’s claims of 41,000 deaths per decade. So the JAMA article authors took a factoid from an activist comment letter — and multiplied it by ten to make it look bigger.
Looking for support for the 4,100-deaths/year-by-2025 claim in the letter, all I found was this footnote:
So I chased down the footnote to the cited EPA document, where all I found was this:
Note, there is no obvious citation, footnote or anything to back up this claim.
But in Appendix A of this document, we learn something totally damning about this claim — it is derived from notorious EPA “secret science” (i.e., the Harvard Six City and American Cancer Society PM2.5 studies, both of which are both so fraudulent that the researchers have been hiding the data for 20+ years).
So, here what happened in summary:
- Based on secret science (to be banned by EPA’s new science tranparency rulemaking), EPA claimed that the emissions from another 10,000 glider trucks will kill 700 to 1,600 people over some unidentified period of time.
- In their comment letter, the enviro groups mysteriously converted the 700-to-1,600-deaths-over-an-unknown-period-of-time claim into a claim of glider truck emissions killing 4,100 people in 2025 alone.
- Harvard’s David Cutler and Francesca Dominici then took the 4,100-deaths-in-2025-alone claim, multiplied it by ten and converted it into a claim of 41,000 deaths every ten years.
- JAMA published the 41,000 deaths claim as if it were science. It was not.
As and/or “Scare Pollution” readers know, no one dies in the U.S. from PM2.5, ozone, SOx, NOx or anything else in the air. So unless you are hit by a glider truck, you will not be killed by one.
Finally, Francesca Dominici is associated with $49,267,824 in air quality research grants from EPA. All that money — and she cites an activist group document as scientific authority? Embarrassing.