Wait until President Trump finds out about this, Mick.

Click here for background on the glider truck controversy.
Click here for today’s Daily Signal article, “‘This Is a Job-Killing Regulation That Will Put Our Company Out of Business’: Some Push EPA to Reverse Obama-Era Regulation.”
Below is a new letter from Members of Congress to OMB Director Mulvaney.
Below is an e-mail from the foreign and domestic anti-glider forces to congressional staff. Note all these powerful forces that marshaled the Obama EPA and DC swamp against a great rags-to-riches story from rural Tennessee. Shame on you Mick if you let this happen. Jobs in a rural area (i.e., not readily replaceable) are already being lost.
Here’s the bottom line, Mick:
- There is a final rule at your doorstep that is being neglected while jobs are disappearing nationwide.
- This deregulation saves approximately 22,000 jobs nationwide.
- Administrator Pruitt has done his job in recognizing this Obama-era overreach and now the ball is in your court.
- OIRA has requested the optional Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA), this device is not necessary in this case as there was no RIA performed in the underlying provisions of the Obama-era rule related to gliders.
- Importantly, RIA’s are not required by statute, there is no statutory requirement for RIA’s, they stem from (President Clinton’s) Executive Order 12866.
- RIA’s are also nonjusticiable, a very important point, and all the more reason to waive and implement this final repeal.
So, Mick, let’s find a solution to save these jobs and this industry. You can either:
- Waive the RIA that your office is requiring, and listen to the recent request by Congress, or
- Offer to accept an Interim-Final Rule that would allow for an RIA to be completed after the fact. This regulatory option has been increasingly employed over the last decade and is called for in cases of “immediate need.” And here the immediate need is well upon us as those in the glider industry which is currently laying off employees.
President Trump has been the greatest champion of deregulation, lets get this lift across the finish line. Deregulation should not be more difficult than new regulation.