‘State of Global Air’: More Air Quality Lies from the Health Effects Institute

The air pollution scare industry is in panic mode, led by the Health Effects Institute.

My notes on this HEI publication:

  • Virtually the entire world breathes unhealthy air, seriously? This ridiculous claim is based on the notion that there is no safe level of particulate matter and ozone in outdoor air. There is no science to back this up. None. Consider the story behind this this photo.

  • Air pollution killed 6.1 million across the globe? Nonsense. Air pollution killed no one. How do I know? Read “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA.”
  • The HEI report bases the notion that particulate matter kills entirely on the 2009 EPA risk assessment for PM, which is debunked in “Scare Pollution.”

Finally, I met with HEI chief Dan Greenbaum and his science advisory board privately for a 80 minute chat about PM2.5 last May.

The meeting with Greenbaum was also attended by Dave Eaton (Chair of HEI Research Committee, and UWash Dean), Barbara Hoffman (HEO Research Committee and UDusseldorf epidemiologist), Robert O’Keefe (HEI VP) and Rashid Shaikh (HEI Director of Science).

Greenbaum was extremely solicitous. Everyone was pleasant. O’Keefe nodded his head at my presentation like a bobblehead. Shaikh remained pretty silent. Hoffman and Eaton actively participated.

Remarkably there was no pushback on anyhing I said including when I talked about no one dying from egregiously poor air quality China and India.

In the end, I had talked at length and in detail with five “experts” on the other side, none of whom could or was willing to challenge or debunk what I said — and I went through everything I could including even criticizing epidemiology as a study methodology and the data. Even epidemiologist Hoffman did not object.

After the meeting Greenbaum mentioned the possibility of having a session on the issues I raised at the next HEI annual meeting (upcoming in April 29-May 1 in Chicago).

Not surprisingly, Greenbaum reneged on his offer.

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