NO… blacks not a higher risk from PM2.5 than whites…. NO

PM2.5 doesn’t kill people — white, black or purple. But it does make researchers of all skin colors dishonest.

This new study reports that in this study of 1717 subjects, blacks were exposed on average to 2.5% more PM2.5 than whites (16.1 vs. 15.7 micrograms/m3) and that, as result, blacks had a 45% higher rate of heart attacks and death than whites. The abstract is below.

I would just point out that in addition to all the usual problems with this sort of study and the PM2.5 (read “Scare Pollution” to find out what those are), these guys couldn’t even get a statistically significant result (see underlined portion). Lame.

The media release is here.

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