JAMA editor reneges on commitment to review Harvard PM2.5 study for misconduct

Dr. Howard Bauchner, you lied to me. No worries. though. You just confirmed that I am correct about PM2.5 and that the EPA-Harvard-NEJM-JAMA PM2.5 cabal is engaged in major science fraud.

Readers of JunkScience.com know that Harvard’s science fraud-fueled researchers published yet another PM2.5 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on December 26, 2017.

On January 5, 2018, I asked JAMA editor Howard Bauchner to investigate the study for misconduct.

I specifically asked Bauchner that, if he disagreed with my allegations, he provide a detail explanation of how I was wrong.

After some back-and-forth, Bauchner made this commitment to me on January 16, 2018.

I received this vague, dodgy and lame response from Bauchner on February 7, 2018:

I responded to Bauchner on February 14, 2018, after citing the above, as follows:

Conclusion: The longstanding and continuing failure of any one to defend in detail Harvard’s PM2.5 researchers from my allegations of science fraud continues to indicate that, in fact, science fraud occurred.

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