Blackmail: Corporate rentseekers and greenwashers (temporarily) thwart ALEC effort to urge EPA to reconsider the endangerment finding

Despite my acclaimed and factually unchallenged presentation (even most opponents conceded my points), Exxon, Pfizer, UPS and the electric utilities (represented by the Edison Electric Institute) sabotaged (via blackmail) the Heartland Institute’s effort at the American Legislative Exchange Council this week to pass a resolution urging EPA to reconsider its Obama-era finding that CO2 (plant food) threatens the public welfare.

The Heartland media release on the travesty is below.

Here is my acclaimed and unchallenged Powerpoint presentation on why the endangerment finding should be reconsidered.



DECEMBER 7, 2017

By Tim Huelskamp, Ph.D.

‘Heartland thanks Rep. Piscopo for taking the lead on this important issue, and thanks ALEC for allowing this debate to take place.’ – Tim Huelskamp, Ph.D.

Yesterday, a task force of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) debated a resolution calling for a review of the Environmental Protection Agency’s 2009 “Endangerment Finding.” After a lively debate and straw vote, the sponsor of the resolution, Rep. John Piscopo (R-CT), along with Bette Grande, a research fellow for The Heartland Institute who helped draft the resolution, withdrew it for now, saying “the final decision on this issue will be made by the Trump Administration.”

Background links:
Resolution to review the Endangerment Finding [click here]
Coalition letter in favor of the resolution [click here]
Letter withdrawing the resolution [click here]

Rep. Piscopo and Ms. Grande agreed to withdraw the resolution after corporate members of ALEC, led by ExxonMobil and Edison Electric Institute (EEI), packed the meeting room with lobbyists and allies and indicated they would vote against the resolution. Heartland’s discussions with state legislators on the task force, as well as a straw vote of elected officials attending the committee meeting, showed a majority of them supported the resolution.

The following statement from Tim Huelskamp, Ph.D., president of The Heartland Institute – may be used for attribution. For more comments or to book Dr. Huelskamp on your radio or television program, please contact Director of Communications Jim Lakely at and 312/377-4000 or (cell) 312/731-9364.

“This result is disappointing, but not surprising. Big corporations like ExxonMobil and trade groups like EEI have long been members of the discredited and anti-energy global warming movement. They’ve put their profits and ‘green’ virtue signaling above sound science and the interests of their customers.

“Heartland thanks Rep. Piscopo for taking the lead on this important issue, and thanks ALEC for allowing this debate to take place. The debate will continue both inside ALEC, where a majority of legislative members and policy advisors agree that the Endangerment Finding ought to be reviewed, as well as outside the organization. We will continue to work with scientists, economists, policy experts, and allies at ALEC to strengthen the case for rescinding the Endangerment Finding.

“This discussion at ALEC changes nothing at the federal level, where action to repeal the Endangerment Finding will take place. President Trump and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt have rejected unscientific alarmism, embraced sound science, and are implementing pro-energy, pro-America policies. Rescinding the Endangerment Finding is the logical and necessary next step. We are optimistic that the self-serving regulatory capture and green preening of big corporations like ExxonMobil may delay but will not prevent that step.”


The Heartland Institute is a 33-year-old national nonprofit organization headquartered in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Its mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems. For more information, visit our website or call 312/377-4000.

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