Green zeal to condemn the Trump EPA backfires and condemns the Obama EPA.

EPA-funded air quality researcher George Thurston was kind enough to make these comments this week about the Trump EPA repeal of the Obama EPA’s Clean Powder Plan:
This sentiment, that there is no safe exposure to PM2.5, was then parroted by the comrades at the Natural Resource Defense Council:
As has pointed out before and as more fully discussed in “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA“, if there truly is no safe exposure to PM2.5, then EPA conducted many illegal experiments on humans exposing them to very large amounts of PM2.5. Also, EPA physicians committed many felonies by failing to disclose the risk of death to these hapless human guinea pigs (while conducting illegal experiments!).
As Thurston and NRDC believe there is no safe exposure to PM2.5, they must also believe that the Obama EPA and its physicians violated the law. There is no other option.
So where is the DOJ on this? Or on the EPA dumping of toxic waste into the Las Animas River, or the IRS sabotage of conservative groups before the election, or the Benghazi coverup, or the Fast & Furious weapons given to drug cartels in Mexico, or the VA letting veterans die from lack of treatment and covering it up, or the Sec of State classified documents in a private server coverup, or the criminal Pakistani family controlling the computers of 29 Dem congressmen and the head of the DNC for the past eight years, or the wiretapping of a political opponent prior to the election, or any of the many other atrocities committed by those in Obama’s administration?